Loving, Learning, Leading, Listening






Are you listening or just hearing?

At four o’clock in the morning the world around me sounds very different than 9am. i appreciate the stillness.

However, I am often shocked when …

Consistency in an inconsistent time

In the last few weeks, my daily routine has went out the window. Vacation, unexpected opportunities that require different time commitments,

changed …


Civility and Managing Up In A Hot Mess

The first train of the day rolled by as I took a brisk walk to the coffee shop.  The podcasts were definitely aligned to stimulate my senses for the …

Dignity on PI day

Dignity for me.  I want to be honored and respected.

Dignity for your neighbor.  They want to be honored and respected.

Student activism on gun …

The Next X Years

I am most likely on the second half of my timeline.  I am now feeling an urgency in my step to leave a legacy for others.

Whatever it is, I know a few …


Know, Understand, and Apply

I have asked in several interviews the following question.  On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate your knowledge on (fill in the blank topic) and …

Valuable Meetings

Meetings. How many of them can be changed, disregarded, and not even attended? Can one spend their time on more valuable work?

Automatically as I was …

A Proper Response

Having the right response to others makes collaboration much easier.

  1. Is it constructive or destructive?
  2. Is it positive or negative?
  3. Is it selfish or …


Being uncomfortable gets my Spidey senses going. It is uncanny how I can see problems with much more clarity. The smallest details become chasms that …

Weeds and Software

Saturday morning weeding has turned into a quick 1 hour endeavor which I share with my wife.  There was one area I neglected for about a month though …

The Balance of Self-Promotion

The older I get, the less I relish instant gratification, acknowledgement, and self-promotion.

Maybe I just feel confident in my abilities (warning: …

Code Review Task 1 - What are the Goals?

Code reviews are one of the most important tools that can be used to improve quality and productivity for a development team.  One of the keys to …

The Anatomy of a Review in 5 Questions

In a few weeks I am going to give a presentation on doing great code reviews. Here is a piece that I wrote 5 years ago that captured the 5 W’s. …


Being Mindful In Everything You Do

The apostle Paul couldn’t have said it better:

Php 2:3-5  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more …

How is your impact rubbing off?

How do I rub off on others?  I had to really think about this question after listening to the EntreLeadership podcast featuring Dr. Jackie Freiberg on …

Stop making labels

How we create labels every day:

  • That marketer will never understand software development
  • That developer doesn’t do strategy
  • He doesn’t …

Taking the first steps

I have found it extremely difficult to get started on projects that I think are daunting.  It gets even worse when I don’t know where to start. …

Can you understand me?

I am constantly surrounded by a very diverse group of individuals. I can name 15 differently languages that can be spoken in my work hallway alone. …

Silence can be really loud when there is a problem

There was no update in the last 2 weeks. Just silence, crickets, and an occasional rumor that something was amiss.

At the monthly business review, …

My Current Communications Response Matrix

Here is a current list on how I think when it comes to responding in various communications mediums.

Communications MediumMinimum Response Time …


30 Days of Intentional Living - Recap

My thirty days of intentional living posts are finished!

I wouldn’t have been able to do this at all without the support of my readers, my …

Updating an Identity Seed Value

I recently ran into an issue, where I had to mix environments while developing.  On top of the mixed environments, I was manipulating data. 

I had a …


Building a Personal Scorecard

A local radio show this morning was having a conversation about using a scorecard for children’s behavior for parents. 

Green mean that all …

Empowerment During Change Series: Leading by Serving

Everyone must serve somebody, even if it is yourself. As employees, we server our managers or company. As a husband I serve my family.

I state many …

Empowerment During Change Series: Leading by Liberating

It is almost a certainty that you and the company that you work for will go through a major change. With every change comes fear, doubt, tension, …