Always Be Thankful

Published: Thursday, November 26, 2015

Today for many people in the US will be about spending time with family, friends, and loved ones. It will be time of food, festivities, and football. It will be about love, gratitude and thankfulness. Traditions are being formed and we actually have a holiday that calls out being thankful.

It is not uncommon to see turkeys in Red Lodge, Montana. This was actually taken on Thanksgiving day a couple of years ago.

Today may have special significance, but all throughout our days we have so much to be thankful for. True thankfulness is a heart action, it evolves from your Spirit and manifests in forms of a smile, gratitude, encouragement, and an amazing attitude.

How I have a thankful attitude

  • It starts with thanking God each and every morning that I am breathing. His mercies are new every day.
  • I Focus on the positive. There is no better way than to tally up all the good things that are happening and being thankful for them
  • I help others. By giving of myself, I find that I receive such a blessing from their smiles and uplifted countenance. I like to do this in abundance.
  • When I feel it is hard to be thankful, I take a step back to think about all sides of a situation and am thankful for the opposite point of view.
  • I reflect on my current situation. It is never the worst it can be. I am thankful for that.

This Thanksgiving, I want to say thanks to everyone who makes me the person I am today.

  • I am especially grateful that my family is intentional about loving me and investing their time to make our family awesome.
  • I am thankful for those I work with, as they are molding me to be the co-worker and leader that is pleasing to God.
  • I am blessed to know friends who spread thanksgiving freely.
  • I am calling out my wife in particular, who I am eternally thankful for being part of my life.

Happy Thanksgiving!