Consistency in an inconsistent time

Published: Tuesday, August 4, 2020

In the last few weeks, my daily routine has went out the window. Vacation, unexpected opportunities that require different time commitments,

changed working schedules for an on call week, and the wonderful return of my daughter from abroad are just part of the reasons I feel disoriented, unproductive, and unstable.

Heck, I can’t even check off my morning routine! And let’s not talk COVID, working remotely, and uncertainty in many other areas! But I don’t want to talk about consistency in your schedules. I want to talk about consistency in your beliefs

A consistent foundation

Just when you think you know a person, your perception of them changes when actions and words are not consistent with how you have known them to be. How much do you trust the bandwagon crusader who goes with whatever trend is happening. When conversations of social justice are taking place, do you rely on the opinions of the wisdom of years in the trenches or the superficial platitudes that just arose this moment.

Last week John Lewis passed away. Far and above any other attributes about his life that I heard was his consistency in his actions. For that to be said of a politician in todays world is pretty amazing. What was consistent about him? Here are a few examples I noted

  • I knew where he stood on the issues of the day
  • I experienced the unwavering respect towards everyone
  • I saw care and empathy for whom he represented
  • I believe he was a servant to all

Note that the foundational elements that I noticed he was consistent in are one of character and values. They are intangibles that aren’t swayed by time, effort, or circumstances out of our control.

My challenge is to live a consistent life. In order to do that grace, peace, love, service, and hope need to be front and center.