The Call Is Not Private

Published: Thursday, June 19, 2014

I am in hot water with my conscience.

Don’t ever think that you are just talking to a single person over Skype, Lync, or other online meeting communications and that the conversation is private.  As a matter of fact don’t even think that an email is private.  I am doing a lot of reflecting on this today, as I participated as a listener in a call  without being announced.  My conscience bothered me all night and honestly, I didn’t measure up to the ethics and morals that I strongly believe in.  Here is some of the damage that listening in did for me:

  1. I failed myself.
  2. I deceived others.
  3. I intruded on a conversation about me that others thought they had the freedom to share openly.  This also reminded me that I can’t rely on honest feedback.
  4. It eroded trust that I have for people and eventually people have for me.

I have asked to not ever be put in that position again.  In addition, I know that I have some relationship building to do with those I listened in on.  This is hard, because they don’t know it.  I apologize