Empowerment During Change Series: Leading by Serving

Published: Monday, June 9, 2014

Everyone must serve somebody, even if it is yourself. As employees, we server our managers or company. As a husband I serve my family.

I state many times that I strive to be a Servant Leader, like the way Jesus was in Philippians 2:5-12. Great leaders embrace the mindset of serving. John F. Kennedy summed it up in a tremendous quote:

“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

John F. Kennedy, January 20, 1961

During change, serving others can be the most impactful way to build loyalty, respect, and dedication within a team. Here are four key ways that this can happen:

  • Act in Grace instead of judging based upon rules. Change is ambiguous at times. The rules don’t always apply or are unfamiliar. It is important to realize that by serving in grace when mistakes occur will often lead into great innovation, security, and confidence to succeed.
  • Value truth in uncertainty. As a leader serve by setting an example of conciseness. Don’t be vague when sharing information or withhold when discussions are happening that will affect employees. By being open and transparent with your employees, they will gain trust in the change process.
  • Show humility instead of rebellion. A contrite and humble spirit calms the turmoil that can happen in change. Humbleness allows others to shine and strengthens collaboration. When a leader is humble they ensure credit for quality work is given it’s due place.
  • Help serve by prioritizing the important things that you want your employees to work on. This provides clarity that will lead to less randomization on the frivolous or meaningless tasks at hand.

In what ways do you serve your employees, peers, or managers to help them be successful?