Loving, Learning, Leading, Listening




The Value of a Personal Status Report

Your Voice in Community


A new greeting

How is your soul?

The concept of good morning doesn’t cut it anymore.  I want to start my interactions with people on a more personal level. …

A Proper Response

Having the right response to others makes collaboration much easier.

  1. Is it constructive or destructive?
  2. Is it positive or negative?
  3. Is it selfish or …

The Balance of Self-Promotion

The older I get, the less I relish instant gratification, acknowledgement, and self-promotion.

Maybe I just feel confident in my abilities (warning: …

Setting Boundaries as Leaders and Employees

How I Communicate With Myself

Can you understand me?

I am constantly surrounded by a very diverse group of individuals. I can name 15 differently languages that can be spoken in my work hallway alone. …

Silence can be really loud when there is a problem

There was no update in the last 2 weeks. Just silence, crickets, and an occasional rumor that something was amiss.

At the monthly business review, …

One Question You Should Ask Before Making A Decision

Feedback With Integrity

Setting Expectations for Communications Responses

A Smile is a great conversation starter

When someone smiles at me, I catch myself drawn in and smile back.  Frowns, grimaces, or scowls push me away.  When I walk down the halls at work, I …

Provide Context for the Data

Meeting Communications

Our Non-Verbal Communication Matters

The 5 W's of Giving Feedback

Communicate Your Vision (Updated)

Danger in Isolation

Watch Your Tone When Listening

intentional living

Choose Wisdom Over Folly

Master of none

Book Smart or Street Smart

New is in the details

Living life with purpose - A study in Ecclesiastes

I believe Ecclesiastes has become my favorite book in the Bible.  There is so much packed into the verses for contemplation, guidance, and just pure …

Convicted to Give More of Yourself

Being Mindful In Everything You Do

The apostle Paul couldn’t have said it better:

Php 2:3-5  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more …

Simplify: A Ten Day Recap

30 Days of Intentional Living - Recap

My thirty days of intentional living posts are finished!

I wouldn’t have been able to do this at all without the support of my readers, my …

Commitment Is It's Own Reward

Kindness Shouldn't Be Seasonal

Define Success in Everything

Trust and a Haircut

Write, Write, and Then Write Some More

Always Be Thankful

Narrate Your Story With Choices

Procrastination Is The Antidote

Move Toward Your Dream

Network Traits I Am Building

Choose Necessary Over Uncomfortable

Attracting a Team to Achieve A Dream

Taking Credit is Really Stealing

What do you want to accomplish?

Create Memories For Others

An Abundant Mindset

Doors of Opportunity Await

To Cooperate or Compete

Pursuit is the True Reward

Change Happens Constantly

Who Will You Invest in Today?

Stop Calendar Abuse

Your Life is an Artistic Masterpiece

Finding Purpose with 3 Questions

Think Before Acting

Success For Others Is In Your Control

Encouragement is contagious

Listen Intently, Listen Deeply

Intentional Living, A New Way Of Life

A More Personalized Greeting


Setting Boundaries as Leaders and Employees

Communicate Your Vision (Updated)

Focus Will Bring Great Results

Spring Cleaning at Work

The Cost of Perfection Is Higher Than You Think

Building a Personal Scorecard

A local radio show this morning was having a conversation about using a scorecard for children’s behavior for parents. 

Green mean that all …

Empowerment During Change Series: Leading by Serving

Everyone must serve somebody, even if it is yourself. As employees, we server our managers or company. As a husband I serve my family.

I state many …

Empowerment During Change Series: Leading by Liberating

It is almost a certainty that you and the company that you work for will go through a major change. With every change comes fear, doubt, tension, …

Leaders Create A Harbor

Embracing Culture Change is a Choice: Leaders can make it easier

You Negotiated The Price


Oh the PLACES you will go

How To Avoid The Bus

Monday Start

I pushed off work that I was going to do this weekend (prepping for the upcoming week). Instead, I fiddled around with some improvements to my …

Working with a Veteran

The Experience Matters

Stop making labels

How we create labels every day:

  • That marketer will never understand software development
  • That developer doesn’t do strategy
  • He doesn’t …

Taking the first steps

I have found it extremely difficult to get started on projects that I think are daunting.  It gets even worse when I don’t know where to start. …

Are You a Participant or a Volunteer at Your Workplace

There is a 5 part podcast series on building your leadership pipeline that I was listening to this morning on the treadmill.  The part I was listening …

Thoughts on Developing Strengths

This is nothing new to most individuals, but really hit home to me today as I was looking at some team challenges.

  1. We all have areas where we can …

Building a Personal Scorecard

A local radio show this morning was having a conversation about using a scorecard for children’s behavior for parents. 

Green mean that all …

Work is what you make it - 10 observations


A good cup of coffee @ 4 am

Is there too much noise?

Sometimes in order to get clarity of purpose, you have to figure out how to filter out the noise of life from the information that matters.  I think …

Are you listening or just hearing?

At four o’clock in the morning the world around me sounds very different than 9am. i appreciate the stillness.

However, I am often shocked when …

Civility and Managing Up In A Hot Mess

The first train of the day rolled by as I took a brisk walk to the coffee shop.  The podcasts were definitely aligned to stimulate my senses for the …

Dignity on PI day

Dignity for me.  I want to be honored and respected.

Dignity for your neighbor.  They want to be honored and respected.

Student activism on gun …

The Next X Years

I am most likely on the second half of my timeline.  I am now feeling an urgency in my step to leave a legacy for others.

Whatever it is, I know a few …

Measure - Spend The Time

Valuable Meetings

Meetings. How many of them can be changed, disregarded, and not even attended? Can one spend their time on more valuable work?

Automatically as I was …


Being uncomfortable gets my Spidey senses going. It is uncanny how I can see problems with much more clarity. The smallest details become chasms that …

Weeds and Software

Saturday morning weeding has turned into a quick 1 hour endeavor which I share with my wife.  There was one area I neglected for about a month though …

How is your impact rubbing off?

How do I rub off on others?  I had to really think about this question after listening to the EntreLeadership podcast featuring Dr. Jackie Freiberg on …

The Purpose Of Feedback

So You Really Want to Take a Vacation

Boundary Management

Living a Transformational Life

Work is what you make it - 10 observations

project management


Not AI

Personal Git Configurations

Reminder for my basic git aliases in Powershell along with my modules for posh-git and oh-my-posh:

function ga { & git add --all $args }
function …

Engineers: the challenge of enough documentation

Creating a startup work routine that matters

Code Review - Is everything in the right place?

Code Review Task 1 - What are the Goals?

Code reviews are one of the most important tools that can be used to improve quality and productivity for a development team.  One of the keys to …

The Anatomy of a Review in 5 Questions

In a few weeks I am going to give a presentation on doing great code reviews. Here is a piece that I wrote 5 years ago that captured the 5 W’s. …

Updating an Identity Seed Value

I recently ran into an issue, where I had to mix environments while developing.  On top of the mixed environments, I was manipulating data. 

I had a …



Planning Is Harder

George Washington (to Hamilton): … Dying is easy, young man. Living is harder.

I would like to rephrase this a little.

Execution is easy, …

Is there too much noise?

Sometimes in order to get clarity of purpose, you have to figure out how to filter out the noise of life from the information that matters.  I think …

A new greeting

How is your soul?

The concept of good morning doesn’t cut it anymore.  I want to start my interactions with people on a more personal level. …

Being Mindful In Everything You Do

The apostle Paul couldn’t have said it better:

Php 2:3-5  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more …

Stop making labels

How we create labels every day:

  • That marketer will never understand software development
  • That developer doesn’t do strategy
  • He doesn’t …

Are You a Participant or a Volunteer at Your Workplace

There is a 5 part podcast series on building your leadership pipeline that I was listening to this morning on the treadmill.  The part I was listening …

The Purpose Of Feedback

The Cost of Perfection Is Higher Than You Think

words matter

A new greeting

How is your soul?

The concept of good morning doesn’t cut it anymore.  I want to start my interactions with people on a more personal level. …

Consistency in an inconsistent time

In the last few weeks, my daily routine has went out the window. Vacation, unexpected opportunities that require different time commitments,

changed …


Patience - I need more

Value - Each Person Has Immeasurable Worth

Know, Understand, and Apply

I have asked in several interviews the following question.  On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate your knowledge on (fill in the blank topic) and …

Authority Is Given By Others

Thankful - Make a list every day


Joy, Joyful, Joyous - Tis the Season


Measure - Spend The Time

Mistake - We All Make One or Two

Future - Leaders Prepare For The Unknown

Shallow - You Know There is a Deep End

Fulfillment - Leaders Complete Work


Be Anxious For Nothing

Solitude Isnt About Being Lonely