A good cup of coffee @ 4 am
Published: Monday, October 25, 2021
Coffee is good any time of the day, not just 4 am
- The Smell: The grinding of beans, brewing of the espresso and the aroma as I am about to take a sip
- The Sound: Nothing like hearing hte espresso as it finishes with what sounds like a sigh of great work being done
- The Touch: Warmth, comfort, and coziness are one way to describe the coffee as I hold it in my hands
- The Sight: Velvety brown froth mixed in with wisps of heavy cream
- The Taste: It all comes together. Today is one of chocolate and lemon hints with some sweetener
All the senses are brought into play. God gave us those senses to have amazing experiences all the time. His orchestration has brought joy into my life experience.