Loving, Learning, Leading, Listening

Web Resources

These are a collection of different web resources / blogs that am starting to capture to share with those around me. Value is added and shared by others each day. I just want to celebrate these places where I can continue to learn.


Math With Bad Drawings

While there hasn't been many posts in 2023, I go back and look at the archives for inspiration. The way Ben takes difficult concepts and simplifies them with whiteboard drawings and concepts is remarkable. Check out his book on Math games, it is fascinating.


Institute For Faith, Work & Economics

A great site for understand how faith and work co-exist. Frequent content with a lot of food for thought.

Bible Project

A great site for understanding the Bible. Video content is top notch.


JD Meier

Not just leadership, but rather a set of articles that are thought provoking, forward looking, and strategic. I am always impressed by the depth of the information that is covered.

Lolly Daskal

Lolly has so much content here. It is worth perusing her site and finding the articles that resonate with you. I have found that her articles are very thought provoking and insightful.

Manager Tools

My most trusted source for management advice. I have been listening to their podcasts for years and have learned so much from them. I have also purchased their books and have found them to be very helpful.


This is Indexed

There is something about a 3x5 card visually that makes it a perfect canvas for a small idea. It’s not as intimidating as a blank sheet of paper, and it’s just the right size for a single thought. And it’s a great way to get ideas out of your head and into the world.


I.M. Wright's "Hard Code"

More than just program management, the history in this blog has information that is core to the development of managers as well as insights for those leading in the technology spaces of this world.


Morning Dew By Alvin Ashcraft

Alvin Ashcraft

One of my favorite aggregator blogs. Mostly .Net related, but with great content in Design / Methodology areas

Build 5 Nines

Chris Pietschmann

Great content on Azure, DevOps, and other Microsoft related topics

Duncan Mackenzie

Duncan Mackenzie

Duncan is a great guy, and has a lot of great content on his blog. He was my manager at Microsoft for a while, and is doing great things in other places.

Scott Hanselman

Scott Hanselman

I have learned a lot from Scott over the years. Check out his blog for great content on .Net, Azure, and other Microsoft related topics.

Creating passionate users

Kathy Sierra

Maybe my all time favorite content. I brush up on different articles in this blog every few months.